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Ā© Liz Long

 Exposición Internacional de Fotografía Jurada


Fecha límite de inscripción: dom. 31 de diciembre de 2023, 11:59 p. m. CST
Aviso de aceptación: viernes. 12 de enero de 2024
Fechas de exposición: del 17 de febrero al 17 de marzo. 9, 2024

Tema Abierto

“La fotografía es un arte de observación. Se trata de encontrar algo interesante... Tiene poco que ver con las cosas que ves y mucho con la forma en que las ves”. –Elliott Erwitt

Praxis Gallery busca la presentación de arte fotográfico de cualquier género y cualquier tema que represente el esfuerzo del artista por revelar una declaración personal de significado visual, ya sea una celebración del formalismo estético puro, humor o conflicto, ficción o hecho, o cualquier otro literal. o manifestación efímera. Todos los géneros, tipos de captura, blanco y negro y color, procesos fotográficos tradicionales y no tradicionales y postproducción digital son bienvenidos.


Jurado por Aline Smithson

Aline Smithson es una artista visual, editora y educadora que vive en Los Ángeles. Es mejor conocida por su retrato conceptual y una práctica que utiliza el humor y el patetismo para explorar el potencial performativo de la fotografía. Al crecer a la sombra de Hollywood, su trabajo está influenciado por lo elevado e irreal. Ha expuesto ampliamente, incluidas más de 40 exposiciones individuales en una variedad de instituciones internacionales y su trabajo ha aparecido en publicaciones como The New York Times, The New Yorker y PDN.


Smithson es el fundador y editor en jefe de Lenscratch, un diario sobre fotografía. En 2012, recibió el premio Rising Star a través del Museo Griffin de Fotografía por sus contribuciones a la comunidad fotográfica y también recibió el prestigioso Premio a la Excelencia en la Enseñanza del CENTER. En 2014 y 2019, el trabajo de Smithson fue seleccionado para el Critical Mass Top 50. En 2018 y 2019, su trabajo se exhibió en la National Portrait Gallery de Londres como parte del Premio Taylor Wessing. En 2022, Smithson fue reconocida como heroína de Hasselblad. Sus trabajos publicados incluyen Self & Others: Portrait as Autobiography (Magenta Foundation, 2015), LOST II: Los Angeles (Kris Graves Projects, 2019) y Fugue State (Peanut Press, 2021). Obtenga más información sobre su práctica en



Up to 74 images will be selected by the juror for exhibition at Praxis Gallery. Photographers will be notified of their selection 12 days after the deadline. The acceptance notification email will include instructions for shipping artwork or submitting high-resolution digital files for printing. Accepted photographs will also be posted on the Praxis website exhibition page at that time.

  • All entrants must be 18 years or older.

  • Submitted images must not have been exhibited at Praxis Gallery within the past year.



The following awards will be presented:

  • Juror’s Choice – Free entry into three future juried calls for entry of their choice.

  • Directors’ Choice – Free entry into two future juried calls for entry of their choice.

  • Eight Honorable Mentions – Recognized and featured in the exhibition, the printed show catalog, and the online exhibit gallery.


Submission Fees

  • $35 for up to five images.

  • $5 for each additional image (up to ten images total per open call).

  • Payment is accepted by credit/debit card through our secure online submission site.

  • Entry fees are non-refundable.


Praxis Members receive 10 images for the price of 5. Learn more about membership benefits at: Praxis Memberships.

For artists experiencing financial hardship, Praxis offers a limited number of free submissions. Contact for more information.


Image Submission Formatting

All submissions must be digital files submitted through our online submission form.

  • File Format – JPEG (.jpg)

  • File Size – 8MB or smaller

  • File Naming – Use the format: ImageTitle_by_FirstName_LastName

    • Example: MyPhoto_by_Amy_Johnson.jpg

For digital formatting questions, contact


Exhibit Artwork Submission & Printing for Selected Artists for the Diptych Open Call

***  The submission guidelines for Praxis specify that the diptych must be printable on one sheet of paper and fit into preselected matte sizes.


Selected artists have two options for submitting exhibition prints:


Option 1: Submit Original Prints

  • Praxis accepts original prints that fit one of our four precut matte sizes.

  • No framed artwork will be accepted.

  • Praxis will mat and frame the prints for exhibition.

  • Prints must be shipped with return postage and packaging and labeled with:

    • Artist's name

    • Exhibition title


Option 2: Praxis Printing Service

For convenience, Praxis can print exhibition images for a $37 fee (includes printing, matting, framing, and installation).

  • High-resolution files must be uploaded to our secure Dropbox.

  • Praxis print technicians have 50+ years of fine art printing experience.

  • Images will be printed on a Canon Pro-4000 using Epson Premium Luster Fine Art Photo Paper.

  • Praxis provides frames for all exhibitions.


Exhibition Frame & Print Size

Praxis features museum-quality 22x22-inch black frames with four standard precut white mattes.

The following dimensions represent the maximum image area for prints. These sizes fit precisely within our precut mattes, with a 0.5-inch border around the edges to prevent cropping by the matte:

  • 11” x 11”

  • 10” x 15”

  • 11.8” x 15”

  • 8” x 15”


  • These dimensions represent the maximum allowable size for the image area. However, the actual image area can be smaller and does not need to conform precisely to the aspect ratio of the matte. 

  • If an image exceeds the maximum size, portions of the image will be cropped by the matte.

  • We never crop submitted digital files. Instead, we scale the final high-resolution images for the best presentation.

  • Selected photographers will receive detailed instructions on shipping their print or submitting a high-resolution digital file for Praxis to print.


Sales & Archive

  • Artists may offer their exhibition prints for sale. Praxis Gallery will notify artists of any purchase inquiries.

  • Praxis takes a 50% commission on all sales.

  • Selected works will be archived in the Praxis Gallery & Photographic Art Center’s online gallery.


Copyright & Usage Rights

  • Artists retain all copyrights to their images.

  • By submitting, artists grant Praxis Gallery a non-exclusive right to use their images for:

    • Exhibition display

    • Promotion of the artist and related programs

    • Online exhibition archives

    • Social media and website features


  • The artist's name will always be credited wherever their work is displayed.


For any additional questions, please contact

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