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© Jeff Larason copy 2.jpg

© Jeff Larason 

 International Juried Photography Exhibition


Entry Deadline: Nov. 3, 2024 11:59PM
Exhibition Dates: Dec. 21, 2024 - Jan. 11, 2025

Speaking of the power of photography, Garry Winogrand once said, “Putting four edges around a collection of information or facts transforms it.”


Let’s take that a step further: what happens when you put a frame—in the form of a doorway, window, mirror, casket, another picture, or some other structure—in the photograph itself? It may intensify the focus on the thing framed, but what about what’s happening in the margins between the interior frame and the edge of the picture? How does the composition work as a whole? How do the elements inside and outside the framing device interact? What has the photographer gained by including a frame within the picture rather than making it the border of the entire image?


Praxis seeks photographic art that explores a frame or multiple frames within an image as the conceptual basis for the aesthetic expression. Juror: Dallas Crow

Mark Walsh.jpg

© Mark Walsh

International Juried Photography Exhibition


Entry deadline: Nov. 17, 11:59PM CST
Exhibition dates: Dec. 21, 2024 – Jan. 11, 2025

“The most perceptive photographers can make compelling pictures out of uninteresting moments.” – Alex Tehrani 


French novelist Georges Perec declared that we should find “an anthropology of the ordinary” as revolt against cultural and mass media exploitation of the exotic - the relentless parade of trauma elevated above the routine of everyday events. Perec’s revolt against the frenzy of trauma (the shameful, the voyeuristic and the spectacular) was to excessively document the ordinary in daily life, meticulously accounting for everything and anything in one’s immediate surroundings in an active attempt to uncover the unimportant and the insignificant.

Praxis Gallery presents photographic art that explores the in-between moments of life and endeavors to notice the unnoticeable, the mundane, the banal and anti-climactic.


© John H. Kohring

 International Juried Photography Exhibition


Notification: Oct 23, 2024 4:00PM CST
Exhibition dates: Nov. 16 - Dec 14, 2024

The notion of home transcends conventional meanings and interpretations. Beyond its physical manifestation as a shelter, home unfolds as a dynamic concept that resonates across the human experience. It embodies not only a tangible space but also a repository of emotions, memories, and a sense of belonging. 


Yet the concept of home is not without its complexities. The exploration of home involves an introspective journey, unraveling layers of meaning and confronting the nuances of attachment and detachment, personal growth, and familial conflict. Transience or instability can evoke feelings of displacement, making it difficult for individuals to perceive the home as a nurturing space.


Praxis Gallery presents photographic art that explores the idea, space, or memory of home. 

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