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© Lance Keimig

Jurors Choice • © Danielle L. Goldstein

Jurors Choice • © Danielle L. Goldstein

Directors Choice • © Russell Klimas

Directors Choice • © Russell Klimas

Honorable Mention • © Kevin Lyle

Honorable Mention • © Kevin Lyle

Honorable Mention • © Jurgen	Lobert

Honorable Mention • © Jurgen Lobert

Honorable Mention • © Michael Hunter Thompson

Honorable Mention • © Michael Hunter Thompson

© Karl Zuzarte

© Karl Zuzarte

© Charter Weeks

© Charter Weeks

© Darlene Yeager-Torre

© Darlene Yeager-Torre

© Franek Wardynski

© Franek Wardynski

© Glenn Sines

© Glenn Sines

© Chad Schneider

© Chad Schneider

© Zoe Schumacher

© Zoe Schumacher

© Shehab Hossain

© Shehab Hossain

© Chad Schneider

© Chad Schneider

© Anita Schiedeck

© Anita Schiedeck

© Lisa Ryan

© Lisa Ryan

© Lawrence Russ

© Lawrence Russ

© Daniel Rapley

© Daniel Rapley

© Kathleen Rogers

© Kathleen Rogers

© Eric Renard

© Eric Renard

© Eric Renard

© Eric Renard

© Ari Jaaksi

© Ari Jaaksi

© Evan Perkins

© Evan Perkins

© Jason Ptaszek

© Jason Ptaszek

© Dane Pedersen

© Dane Pedersen

© Jenna Mulhall-Brereton

© Jenna Mulhall-Brereton

© Aimee McCrory

© Aimee McCrory

© Alejandro Merizalde

© Alejandro Merizalde

© Jay Martin

© Jay Martin

© Derek Lofgreen

© Derek Lofgreen

© Kevin Lyle

© Kevin Lyle

© Jurgen	Lobert

© Jurgen Lobert

© Jason Katz

© Jason Katz

© Michael Johnson

© Michael Johnson

© Michael Johnson

© Michael Johnson

© Susanne Hupfer

© Susanne Hupfer

© Jeannine Henebry

© Jeannine Henebry

© Thomas Hocker

© Thomas Hocker

© Kristine Hinrichs

© Kristine Hinrichs

© James	Hawker

© James Hawker

© Brendan Connelly

© Brendan Connelly

© Dan Gemkow

© Dan Gemkow

© Andre Costa

© Andre Costa

© Mackenzie Calle

© Mackenzie Calle

© Lauren	Doolittle

© Lauren Doolittle

© William Bullard

© William Bullard

© Neil Bennett

© Neil Bennett

© Geoffrey Agrons

© Geoffrey Agrons

© Jennifer Baumann

© Jennifer Baumann

© Craig Bill

© Craig Bill

 International Juried Photography Exhibition


Opening Night: To Be Announced
Exhibition Dates: Dec 19th - Jan 5th, 2021

Juror | Lance Keimig

“Night does not show things, it suggests them. It disturbs and surprises us with its strangeness. It liberates forces within us which are dominated by our reason during the daytime.” ― Brassai

Spanning two centuries, night photography has captured the collective imagination of the masses. From the infamously long exposures required by early artists, to high speed color films and the advent of digital technology, the subject of the night has inspired an explosion of interest among contemporary artists. Natural vistas, celestial bodies, urban landscapes, factories, artificial structures and nocturnal interludes represent but a few of the limitless subjects of nighttime photography.

Praxis Gallery presents photographic art that explores the fundamental qualities that make night photography - from dusk to dawn - a compelling contemporary art form. 


© Maren Klemp

© Karoline Schneider • Juror's Choice Award

© Karoline Schneider • Juror's Choice Award

© Mirja Maria Thiel • Directors Choice Award

© Mirja Maria Thiel • Directors Choice Award

© Cince Johnston • Honorable Mention

© Cince Johnston • Honorable Mention

© Nika De Carlo • Honorable Mention

© Nika De Carlo • Honorable Mention

© Geoffrey Agrons • Honorable Mention

© Geoffrey Agrons • Honorable Mention

© Jakub Wawrzak • Honorable Mention

© Jakub Wawrzak • Honorable Mention

© Charter Weeks

© Charter Weeks

© Cara Lee Wade

© Cara Lee Wade

© Henriette Tronrud

© Henriette Tronrud

© Michael Hunter Thompson

© Michael Hunter Thompson

© Atsushi Takamatsu

© Atsushi Takamatsu

© Alexej Sachov

© Alexej Sachov

© Natalia	Rudychev

© Natalia Rudychev

© Jennifer Orhélys

© Jennifer Orhélys

© David Mosher

© David Mosher

© Thomas Whitworth

© Thomas Whitworth

© Josip Miskovic

© Josip Miskovic

© Eike Michler

© Eike Michler

© Joanna Madloch

© Joanna Madloch

© Elizabeth Lynch

© Elizabeth Lynch

© Horacio Marquinez

© Horacio Marquinez

© Jay Levy

© Jay Levy

© Aashish Kaul

© Aashish Kaul

© Cince Johnston

© Cince Johnston

© BK Kelley

© BK Kelley

© Marj Kleinman

© Marj Kleinman

© Matthew Kamholtz

© Matthew Kamholtz

© Roslyn	Julia

© Roslyn Julia

© Stephen Jess

© Stephen Jess

© John Henderson

© John Henderson

© Virginia Hines

© Virginia Hines

© Stephanie Haughton

© Stephanie Haughton

© Lara Gilks

© Lara Gilks

© Jane Gottlieb

© Jane Gottlieb

© Lara Gilks

© Lara Gilks

© Albert George

© Albert George

© Lawrence Garmezy

© Lawrence Garmezy

© Susan Fink

© Susan Fink

© Jonathan Frydman

© Jonathan Frydman

© Diane Fenster

© Diane Fenster

© Todd Dieringer

© Todd Dieringer

© Donna Dangott

© Donna Dangott

© Jenny Chernansky

© Jenny Chernansky

© Diana Cheren Nygren

© Diana Cheren Nygren

© Jitendra Chaturvedi

© Jitendra Chaturvedi

© Giuseppe Cardoni

© Giuseppe Cardoni

© Michael Bomberger

© Michael Bomberger

© Fabiane  Aleixo

© Fabiane Aleixo

© Elizabeth Bailey

© Elizabeth Bailey

© Bruce Berkow

© Bruce Berkow

 International Juried Photography Exhibition


Opening By Appointment
Exhibition Dates: Nov 21st - Dec 14th, 2020

Juror | Sandrine Hermand-Grisel

The photograph’s power as a narrative tool is derived from the impression that what is captured within the frame is an accurate representation of what actually occurred at a specific moment in time. As complete or comprehensive as any narrative may appear to be, it will always be subject to a process of including some elements and excluding others. These inclusions and exclusion are a crucial part of what photographic storytelling is all about - What is being presented within the frame to the viewer – and what is being left out or left to the viewer’s imagination.


Praxis Gallery presents photographic works of art that explore the development of visual narratives through the still image. Stories may take any shape or form; they may be literal or fantasy, documentary or fiction; complex or minimal.

© Rhonda Dubin • Juror’s Choice

© Rhonda Dubin • Juror’s Choice

© Cindy Konits • Director's Choice

© Cindy Konits • Director's Choice

© Nicole Thompson • Honorable Mention

© Nicole Thompson • Honorable Mention

© Michael Jorgensen • Honorable Mention

© Michael Jorgensen • Honorable Mention

© Anatoli	Poiata • Honorable Mention

© Anatoli Poiata • Honorable Mention

© Ron Weiss

© Ron Weiss

© Peter Tilgner

© Peter Tilgner

© Denis Sivack

© Denis Sivack

© Robert	Silance

© Robert Silance

© Kristopher Schoenleber

© Kristopher Schoenleber

© Jo Scheder

© Jo Scheder

© Kimmo	Sahakangas

© Kimmo Sahakangas

© Bego Amare

© Bego Amare

© Ken Renk

© Ken Renk

© Richard Anthony	Russo

© Richard Anthony Russo

© Michael Platt

© Michael Platt

© Vahid Valikhani

© Vahid Valikhani

© Leah Oates

© Leah Oates

© Jen Peng

© Jen Peng

© Robert	Nowak

© Robert Nowak

© Sabine	Nagel

© Sabine Nagel

© Mary Murphy

© Mary Murphy

© Peter Miller

© Peter Miller

© Maureen Mulhern-White

© Maureen Mulhern-White

© Horacio Marquinez

© Horacio Marquinez

© Kevin Lyle

© Kevin Lyle

© John Kosmer

© John Kosmer

© Kent Klaudt

© Kent Klaudt

© Pygmalion Karatzas

© Pygmalion Karatzas

© Barbara Kantz

© Barbara Kantz

© Jane Ivory

© Jane Ivory

© Federico Imperiale

© Federico Imperiale

© Ken Hoffman

© Ken Hoffman

© Elena Haliczer

© Elena Haliczer

© Kathleen Gerber

© Kathleen Gerber

© Maureen Haldeman

© Maureen Haldeman

© Matthew Gendron

© Matthew Gendron

© Dominik Gehl

© Dominik Gehl

© George S. Gati

© George S. Gati

© Matt Gallien

© Matt Gallien

© Alexa Frangos

© Alexa Frangos

© Ken Fowkes

© Ken Fowkes

© Bruce Flye

© Bruce Flye

© Brian Cann

© Brian Cann

© Christopher Paul	Brown

© Christopher Paul Brown

© Jay Boersma

© Jay Boersma

© Geoffrey Agrons

© Geoffrey Agrons

© David Berg

© David Berg

© Mitchell Anolik

© Mitchell Anolik

© Kevin Von Kluck

© Kevin Von Kluck

 International Juried Photography Exhibition
Opening Night: 6-8PM • October 24th, 2020
Exhibition Dates: Oct 24th - Nov 9th, 2020

The Shape of Things

Theme | The Shape of Things

The rhythm of surfaces, lines, and values is for me the essence of photography; composition should be a constant of preoccupation... an organic coordination of visual elements. – Henri Cartier-Bresson


The term composition means ‘putting together’ or the act of combining parts or elements to form a whole - often adhering to compositional principles that make a work of photographic art more appealing or intriguing to viewers. These principles include the development of rhythm, movement, contrast, balance, unity, proximity and continuity to create expressive and compelling compositions – while emphasizing different visual concepts. Praxis Gallery presents art that explores composition as a fundamental aspect of the photographic aesthetic – be it pure visual formalism or in support of thematic objectives.

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

© Brandon Movall

Praxis Gallery | Photo Arts Center Presents

Even in Darkness,

There is Light

A Solo Exhibition by Brandon Movall
Opening Night Reception: October 24th,2020
Extended: Oct 24th - Dec 12th, 2020

Even in Darkness, There is Light was inspired by my own struggles with anxiety. I wanted to see how other individuals have dealt with their own inner darkness. Each of the pieces is inspired by a response to the prompt: “Tell me about a time in your life where your internal light overcame the darkness around you”. I asked 20 individuals this question, with the goal of demonstrating how powerful the human spirit is, and how, as the title suggests, even in the darkest of times in life, there is light. Each answer to the prompt was voice recorded, so I could hear the inflections of the individual’s voice when they shared their story. From that, I created a light painting photograph inspired by their answer to the prompt. Each image has different colors, shapes, and locations of the light based on my artistic interpretation of the story.

© Rani Robison

© Rani Robison

© Robert Heller

© Robert Heller

© Gary Beeber

© Gary Beeber

© Delphine Queme

© Delphine Queme

© Ge Wang

© Ge Wang

© Ge Wang

© Ge Wang

© Heming Zhang

© Heming Zhang

© Debra Vitt

© Debra Vitt

© Peter Tilgner

© Peter Tilgner

© Kamila	Stepien

© Kamila Stepien

© Carl Shubs

© Carl Shubs

© Carol Schwerdfeger

© Carol Schwerdfeger

© Steve Stenzel

© Steve Stenzel

© Joe Sabol

© Joe Sabol

© Delphine Queme

© Delphine Queme

© Marcie Rich

© Marcie Rich

© Michael Potts

© Michael Potts

© Neal Pierman

© Neal Pierman

© Michael Platt

© Michael Platt

© Michael Mudd

© Michael Mudd

© Justin Martin

© Justin Martin

© Maxwell Mateikis

© Maxwell Mateikis

© Lodiza LePore

© Lodiza LePore

© Catherine Leicht

© Catherine Leicht

© Kevin Lyle

© Kevin Lyle

© Kyoung Lee

© Kyoung Lee

© Alan Leder

© Alan Leder

© Kyoung Lee

© Kyoung Lee

© Jace Knie

© Jace Knie

© Timothy Lacey III

© Timothy Lacey III

© Michael Jorgensen

© Michael Jorgensen

© Pato Hebert

© Pato Hebert

© Madison Huntsman

© Madison Huntsman

© Theodore Gordon

© Theodore Gordon

© Theodore Gordon

© Theodore Gordon

© Dave Hanson

© Dave Hanson

© Kathleen Gerber

© Kathleen Gerber

© Gary Duehr

© Gary Duehr

© Peter Devenyi

© Peter Devenyi

© Peter Devenyi

© Peter Devenyi

© Hui-ju Chen

© Hui-ju Chen

© Donna Dangott

© Donna Dangott

© Jade Butay

© Jade Butay

© Jade Butay

© Jade Butay

© Jaime Bird

© Jaime Bird

© Michael Borowski

© Michael Borowski

© Geoffrey Agrons

© Geoffrey Agrons

© Jacqueline Asplundh

© Jacqueline Asplundh

© Clayton Anderson

© Clayton Anderson

© Andrea Abonyi

© Andrea Abonyi

 International Juried Photography Exhibition


Opening Night: To Be Announced
Exhibit Dates: Sept 19th - Oct 13th 2020

Juror | Douglas Beasley

How do we document what happens and recurs everyday: the banal, the common, the ordinary? Can we rescue astonishment from the forgotten obvious by finding unexplored perspectives to depict our common places and familiar activities in startling and engrossing new ways?


Praxis Gallery seeks the submission of photographic works that search for the iconic and ironic in the everyday world around us; that portray the people, places and things which have become ordinary to us in new, imaginative and expressive ways.

© Reed Hearne • Juror’s Choice

© Reed Hearne • Juror’s Choice

© Olga Chekaryeva • Directors Choice

© Olga Chekaryeva • Directors Choice

© Susan Bryant • Honorable Mention

© Susan Bryant • Honorable Mention

© Darcy Dangremond • Honorable Mention

© Darcy Dangremond • Honorable Mention

© Geoffrey Agrons

© Geoffrey Agrons

© JP Terlizzi • Honorable Mention

© JP Terlizzi • Honorable Mention

© Verônica Alkmim França

© Verônica Alkmim França

© Donya Allison

© Donya Allison

© Vardan Aroustamian

© Vardan Aroustamian

© Terry Barczak

© Terry Barczak

© Bruce Berkow

© Bruce Berkow

© Laurie Blakeslee

© Laurie Blakeslee

© Wes Carson

© Wes Carson

© Beth Galton

© Beth Galton

© Rick Gayle

© Rick Gayle

© Joseph Holmes

© Joseph Holmes

© C. W. Houser

© C. W. Houser

© Timothy Hutto

© Timothy Hutto

© Judi Iranyi

© Judi Iranyi

© Shelley Kirkwood

© Shelley Kirkwood

© Yvonne Klocek

© Yvonne Klocek

© John Kosmer

© John Kosmer

© Michelle Kott

© Michelle Kott

© Ana Leal

© Ana Leal

© Howard Lewis

© Howard Lewis

© Joyce P. Lopez

© Joyce P. Lopez

© Ron Mayhew

© Ron Mayhew

© Matthew McKee

© Matthew McKee

© David Moore

© David Moore

© Paul Murray

© Paul Murray

© Lee Musgrave

© Lee Musgrave

© Deborah Orloff

© Deborah Orloff

© David Orr

© David Orr

© Joseph Rafferty

© Joseph Rafferty

© Odeth Reinoso

© Odeth Reinoso

© Jacque Rupp

© Jacque Rupp

© Lynn Schmidt

© Lynn Schmidt

© Carl Shubs

© Carl Shubs

© Kim Stevens

© Kim Stevens

© Li Sun

© Li Sun

© Stephanie Taiber

© Stephanie Taiber

© Allan Teger

© Allan Teger

© JP Terlizzi

© JP Terlizzi

© Randall Tosh

© Randall Tosh

© Marina Tsaregorodtseva

© Marina Tsaregorodtseva

© Karey Walter

© Karey Walter

© Chao Wang

© Chao Wang

© Marta Wapiennik

© Marta Wapiennik

© Emily Whiting

© Emily Whiting

© Andrew Wohl

© Andrew Wohl

 International Juried Photography Exhibition


Reception: To Be Announced
Exhibition Dates: Aug 22nd - Sept 15th, 2020
Juror | Ann Jastrab

Still life photography, more so than other types of photography, such as landscape or portraiture, gives the photographer extensive leeway and precise control in the arrangement of design elements within a composition. Still life photography is a demanding genre, one in which the photographers are expected to be able to form their work with a refined sense of lighting, coupled with composition and design skills. The still life photographer makes pictures rather than takes them. 

Praxis Gallery presents photographic art that investigates the genre of the Still Life. Art work may explore classical to conceptual aspects of the still life, photographing object arrangements that intrigue, engage or entertain the viewer.

© Joanne Thompson • Directors Choice

© Joanne Thompson • Directors Choice

© Robert Wood

© Robert Wood

© Ron Testa

© Ron Testa

© Pelle Sten

© Pelle Sten

© Jason Tannen

© Jason Tannen

© Maarten Steunenberg

© Maarten Steunenberg

© Dolores Smart • Honorable Mention

© Dolores Smart • Honorable Mention

© Savannah Spirit

© Savannah Spirit

© Lynn Schmidt

© Lynn Schmidt

© Anita Schiedeck

© Anita Schiedeck

© Natalya Saprunova

© Natalya Saprunova

© John Anthony Rizzo

© John Anthony Rizzo

© James Ritchie

© James Ritchie

© Emmanuelle Perryman

© Emmanuelle Perryman

© Megumi Otsuka

© Megumi Otsuka

© Jen Peng

© Jen Peng

© Paul Murray

© Paul Murray

© Lauri Novak

© Lauri Novak

© David Moore

© David Moore

© Sofia M.Gray • Juror’s Choice

© Sofia M.Gray • Juror’s Choice

© Kevin Lyle

© Kevin Lyle

© Aimee McCrory

© Aimee McCrory

© Stefano Lunardist

© Stefano Lunardist

© Alejandro Loureiro Lorenzo

© Alejandro Loureiro Lorenzo

© Jeff Larason

© Jeff Larason

© Josh Kramb

© Josh Kramb

© Michael Kelly-DeWitt

© Michael Kelly-DeWitt

© Cindy Konitsci

© Cindy Konitsci

© Cince Johnston

© Cince Johnston

© Andy Johnston

© Andy Johnston

© Timothy Hutto

© Timothy Hutto

© Doug Hjelmstad

© Doug Hjelmstad

© Sarah Hollands • Honorable Mention

© Sarah Hollands • Honorable Mention

© Reed Hearne

© Reed Hearne

© Stephanie Haughton

© Stephanie Haughton

© Mikhail Gubinmi

© Mikhail Gubinmi

© Frank Fuerst

© Frank Fuerst

© Dean Forbes • Honorable Mention

© Dean Forbes • Honorable Mention

© Avery Edelman

© Avery Edelman

© Donna Dangott

© Donna Dangott

© Christopher Paul Brown

© Christopher Paul Brown

© Jenny Chernansky

© Jenny Chernansky

© Hui-ju Chen

© Hui-ju Chen

© Slim Blanks

© Slim Blanks

© Debra Achen

© Debra Achen

© Emmanuelle Becker • Honorable Mention

© Emmanuelle Becker • Honorable Mention

© Ginny Banks • Honorable Mention

© Ginny Banks • Honorable Mention

© Barry Bellovin

© Barry Bellovin

© Ari Bafalouka

© Ari Bafalouka

© Debra Vitt

© Debra Vitt

 International Juried Photography Exhibition
Opening Night Reception: To Be Announced
Exhibition Dates: July 25th - Aug 17th, 2020

The Shadow Aspect

Theme | The Shadow Aspect

‘Most people think that shadows follow, precede, surround beings or objects. The truth is that they also surround words, ideas, desires, deeds, impulses and memories.’ Ellie Wiesel


Praxis Gallery presents photographic art that explores the formal, conceptual and metaphoric implications of the shadow. Submissions may focus on the shadow as pure visual form expressed through the creation of line, shape, pattern and texture. They may also examine the cultural and psychological implications of the shadow - exploring ideas of foreboding, internal conflict, passages into the unconsciousness, or other ephemeral interpretations. 

© Geoffrey Agrons • Juror’s Choice

© Geoffrey Agrons • Juror’s Choice

© Mitchell Anolik

© Mitchell Anolik

© J. H. Arnold

© J. H. Arnold

© Gary Beeber

© Gary Beeber

© Scott Bolendz

© Scott Bolendz

© Celina Brogan Espinal

© Celina Brogan Espinal

© Charita Carter

© Charita Carter

© Nealy Corcoran

© Nealy Corcoran

© Darcy Dangremond

© Darcy Dangremond

© Darcy Dangremond

© Darcy Dangremond

© Mark Dierker

© Mark Dierker

© Xarene Eskandar

© Xarene Eskandar

© Frank Fuerst

© Frank Fuerst

© Kathleen Gerber

© Kathleen Gerber

© Karen Ghostlaw Pomarico

© Karen Ghostlaw Pomarico

© Marc Goldring

© Marc Goldring

© Jeffrey Heyne • Honorable Mention

© Jeffrey Heyne • Honorable Mention

© Kristine Hinrichs

© Kristine Hinrichs

© Susan Holtz

© Susan Holtz

© Kelly Hsiao • Honorable Mention

© Kelly Hsiao • Honorable Mention

© Jon Hyde & Kimberly Sultze

© Jon Hyde & Kimberly Sultze

© Elizabeth Kayl

© Elizabeth Kayl

© Marie Kennedy • Directors Choice

© Marie Kennedy • Directors Choice

© Raymond Klempka

© Raymond Klempka

© Raymond Klempka

© Raymond Klempka

© Edward Leafe

© Edward Leafe

© Charles Lembo

© Charles Lembo

© Jack Long

© Jack Long

© Robert Mackinlay

© Robert Mackinlay

© Joanna Madloch

© Joanna Madloch

© Horacio Marquinez

© Horacio Marquinez

© Kendall Mills

© Kendall Mills

© Joseph Moche

© Joseph Moche

© Robert Nowak

© Robert Nowak

© Karen Numme

© Karen Numme

© Leah Oates

© Leah Oates

© Jen Peng

© Jen Peng

© Thomas Pickarski

© Thomas Pickarski

© Osceola Refetoff • Honorable Mention

© Osceola Refetoff • Honorable Mention

© Osceola Refetoff

© Osceola Refetoff

© Kathryn Riesz Schapper

© Kathryn Riesz Schapper

© Lawrence Russ

© Lawrence Russ

© Natalya Saprunova

© Natalya Saprunova

© Natalya Saprunova

© Natalya Saprunova

© William Sargent

© William Sargent

© Sarah Schorr

© Sarah Schorr

© Jacqueline Schuler

© Jacqueline Schuler

© Starr Tucker-Ortega

© Starr Tucker-Ortega

© Chris Vanden Broeke

© Chris Vanden Broeke

© Peter Woodburn

© Peter Woodburn

 International Juried Photography Exhibition

Liquid ~ Sky

Opening Reception: To Be Announced
Exhibition Dates: June 27th - July 21st, 2020
Juror | Elizabeth Flinsch Editor: Shots Magazine

Liquid conforms to the shape of its container. The sky is an abstract sphere, centered on the earth. Liquid, Water, Sky and the liminal space between are by definition poetic and symbolic. Yet there are infinite iterations of liquid & sky: consider our human drive to master and contain liquids (pools, levies, faucets and bottles); idiomatic lamentations of “spilt milk” or “water under the bridge”– while also reaching upward in towering buildings, air planes, and rockets pushing skyward.

Praxis Gallery gallery presents photographic art that explores the ideas of liquid and sky in their myriad iterations; from landscapes to still life – from scientific to conceptual, Praxis seeks a broadly interpreted investigation of these forever flowing, forever ethereal ideas.

© Xandr Arquin

© Xandr Arquin

© Alessandro Zaffonato

© Alessandro Zaffonato

© Ruobing Yang

© Ruobing Yang

© Lisa Sennett Thomas

© Lisa Sennett Thomas

© Julie O'Connor

© Julie O'Connor

© Leah Thomas

© Leah Thomas

© Jerry Stevenson

© Jerry Stevenson

© Clementine Smart

© Clementine Smart

© Brian Schmeltzer

© Brian Schmeltzer

© Jelisa Peterson

© Jelisa Peterson

© Erin Nowak

© Erin Nowak

© Guy Needham

© Guy Needham

© Michael Mudd

© Michael Mudd

© Peter Miller

© Peter Miller

© Bogdan Mihai

© Bogdan Mihai

© Keith Miesel

© Keith Miesel

© Allan Mestel

© Allan Mestel

© Horacio Marquinez

© Horacio Marquinez

© Anthony Marchetti

© Anthony Marchetti

© Linda Macchia

© Linda Macchia

© Stephen Lease

© Stephen Lease

© Randy Lagana

© Randy Lagana

© Mark Knight

© Mark Knight

© Michael Kelly-DeWitt

© Michael Kelly-DeWitt

© Layne Kennedy

© Layne Kennedy

© Vincent Karcher

© Vincent Karcher

© Yuna Kagotani

© Yuna Kagotani

© Michael Johnson

© Michael Johnson

© Beth Herzhaft

© Beth Herzhaft

© Aimée Hoving

© Aimée Hoving

© Lou Havlicek

© Lou Havlicek

© Joan Haseltine

© Joan Haseltine

© Karen Ghostlaw Pomarico

© Karen Ghostlaw Pomarico

© Kathleen Gerber

© Kathleen Gerber

© Robert George

© Robert George

© Albert George

© Albert George

© Ellen Friedlander

© Ellen Friedlander

© André Feliciano

© André Feliciano

© D. Clarke Evans

© D. Clarke Evans

© Ron Cooper

© Ron Cooper

© Jesse Egner

© Jesse Egner

© Sam Deaner

© Sam Deaner

© Michael Darough

© Michael Darough

© Madison Casagranda & Clark Goldsberry

© Madison Casagranda & Clark Goldsberry

©Berenice Chavez

©Berenice Chavez

© Jaime Bird

© Jaime Bird

© Jo Ann Chaus

© Jo Ann Chaus

© Richard Anderson

© Richard Anderson

© Gary Beeber

© Gary Beeber

© Andreea Andrei

© Andreea Andrei

 International Juried Photography Exhibition

The Portrait

Exhibition Dates: May 23rd - June 22nd, 2020

Juror | Carl Corey


In her book, Portraits and Persons, writer Cynthia Freeland describes three essential elements that constitute a portrait: “(1) a recognizable physical body (2) an inner life, i.e., some sort of psychological or mental states and (3) self-presentation, or the "posing.” Praxis Gallery presents photographic art that celebrates the aesthetic and conceptual considerations involved in the creation of the portrait: revealing personal narratives or new anthologies through the artistic representation of the subject.

© Ruobing Yang

© Ruobing Yang

© Czuko Williams

© Czuko Williams

© Joan Weiss

© Joan Weiss

© Dawn Watson

© Dawn Watson

© Larry Torno

© Larry Torno

© Michael Hunter Thompson

© Michael Hunter Thompson

© David Thompson

© David Thompson

© Joshua Tann

© Joshua Tann

© Darcie Sternenberg

© Darcie Sternenberg

© Young Sohn

© Young Sohn

© Lawrence Russ

© Lawrence Russ

© Natalia Rudychev

© Natalia Rudychev

© Robert Romano

© Robert Romano

© John Anthony Rizzo

© John Anthony Rizzo

© Ajeesh Puthiyadath

© Ajeesh Puthiyadath

© Jason Ptaszek

© Jason Ptaszek

© Michael Potts

© Michael Potts

© Thomas Pickarski

© Thomas Pickarski

© Min Park

© Min Park

© David Orr

© David Orr

© Orianne Olive

© Orianne Olive

© Paul Murray

© Paul Murray

© C E Morse

© C E Morse

© Katrine Moite

© Katrine Moite

© Vicky Martin

© Vicky Martin

© John Manno

© John Manno

© Jozef Macak

© Jozef Macak

© Eduardo Lopez Moreno

© Eduardo Lopez Moreno

© Dominic Lippillo

© Dominic Lippillo

© Diane Kaye

© Diane Kaye

© Michael Jorgensen

© Michael Jorgensen

© Robert Johnson

© Robert Johnson

© Michael Johnson

© Michael Johnson

© Peter Hui

© Peter Hui

© Kathleen Gerber

© Kathleen Gerber

© Beth Galton

© Beth Galton

© Bernadette Fox

© Bernadette Fox

© Tim Evans

© Tim Evans

© Ximena Echague

© Ximena Echague

© John Eaton

© John Eaton

© Anastasia Davis

© Anastasia Davis

© Tony Chirinos

© Tony Chirinos

© Hilda Champion

© Hilda Champion

© Annette LeMay Burke

© Annette LeMay Burke

© Charles Brackman

© Charles Brackman

© Zachary Bohannon

© Zachary Bohannon

© Sue Bailey

© Sue Bailey

© Geoffrey Agrons

© Geoffrey Agrons

© Fabiane Aleixo

© Fabiane Aleixo

© Gary Beeber

© Gary Beeber

 International Juried Photography Exhibition

Open Theme

Closing Reception: 6-8PM May 12th, 2020
Exhibition Dates: April 17th - May 12th, 2020
By Appointment Only April 18th- May 4th
Juror | Ann Jastrab

"When a moment in front of me appears to be particularly special, whether it be by beauty or experience, I capture it. I usually find a reason to justify taking that photo - be it symmetry, or color or contrast - and it's my hope that my photography sheds light onto what I see and do on a daily basis.” Connor Franta


Praxis Gallery presents photographic art of varied genres and subject matters that represent the artist’s endeavor to reveal through the photographic process a personal declaration of visual significance - be it a celebration of pure aesthetic formalism, humor or conflict, fiction or fact, or any other literal or ephemeral lens-based investigation

© Joëlle F. Wider Greset

© Joëlle F. Wider Greset

© Joanne Thompson

© Joanne Thompson

© Peter Tilgner

© Peter Tilgner

© Abhi Sur

© Abhi Sur

© Axel Javier Sulzbacher

© Axel Javier Sulzbacher

© Peter Wong

© Peter Wong

© Alan Strassman

© Alan Strassman

© Paul Stearns

© Paul Stearns

© Denis Sivack

© Denis Sivack

© Carl Shubs

© Carl Shubs

© Steffen Schraegle

© Steffen Schraegle

© Jose Ruades

© Jose Ruades

© Gary Ricketts

© Gary Ricketts

© Alan Wieder

© Alan Wieder

© Bailey Quinlan

© Bailey Quinlan

© Cindy Murray

© Cindy Murray

© Yuta Kanai

© Yuta Kanai

© Daniel Mills

© Daniel Mills

© Alina Marin-Bliach

© Alina Marin-Bliach

© Peter Miller

© Peter Miller

© Keith Miesel

© Keith Miesel

© Joanna Madloch

© Joanna Madloch

© Glenn Lieberman

© Glenn Lieberman

© Paul Kessel

© Paul Kessel

© Eugenie Johnson

© Eugenie Johnson

© Walter Horishnyk

© Walter Horishnyk

© Bastian Hertel

© Bastian Hertel

© Danielle Goldstein

© Danielle Goldstein

© Michael Gilligan

© Michael Gilligan

© Nazanine Ezdiari

© Nazanine Ezdiari

© Thom Goertel

© Thom Goertel

© Karl Dedolph

© Karl Dedolph

© Katie Ehrlich

© Katie Ehrlich

© Dean Forbes

© Dean Forbes

© Steven	Edson

© Steven Edson

© Richard Dweck

© Richard Dweck

© Scott Davis

© Scott Davis

© Geoffrey Agrons

© Geoffrey Agrons

© Eric Davidove

© Eric Davidove

© Frank Curran

© Frank Curran

© Barton	Cooley

© Barton Cooley

© David Coats

© David Coats

© Phillipe Boirin

© Phillipe Boirin

© Carlos Causo

© Carlos Causo

© Giuseppe Cardoni

© Giuseppe Cardoni

© G.S. Broz

© G.S. Broz

© William	Bullard

© William Bullard

© Larry Brownstein

© Larry Brownstein

© Emmanuelle Becker

© Emmanuelle Becker

© Bruce Berkow

© Bruce Berkow

 International Juried Photography Exhibition


Exhibition Dates: Mar 20th, 2020 - April 14th, 2020
Juror | Robi Chakraborty

"Street Photography became recognized as a genre in its own right during the early 1930s. Street Photography is unique in the way it is associated with the photographer's skill in capturing something of the mystery and aura of everyday city living. The Street Photographer is then often likened to the historical figure of the flâneur: namely someone who mingles anonymously amongst the crowd observing and recording the ways the unsuspecting city

dweller interacts with his or her environment".

Praxis Gallery presents photographic art that explores the genre of street photography from all angles, including people, urban structure, and documentary subject matter. 

© Arnold Tunstall

© Arnold Tunstall

© David Thompson

© David Thompson

© Andreas Theologitis

© Andreas Theologitis

© Brion Sprinsock

© Brion Sprinsock

© Cindy Shebley

© Cindy Shebley

© Richard Schramm

© Richard Schramm

© Kimmo	Sahakangas

© Kimmo Sahakangas

© Joseph Rovegno

© Joseph Rovegno

© Albert George

© Albert George

© Osceola Refetoff

© Osceola Refetoff

© Paul Presnail

© Paul Presnail

© Erica Palmieri

© Erica Palmieri

© Julie O'Connor

© Julie O'Connor

© Fern Nesson

© Fern Nesson

© Cindy Murray

© Cindy Murray

© Vicky Martin

© Vicky Martin

© Simon Mapp

© Simon Mapp

© John Manno

© John Manno

© Dick Lavine

© Dick Lavine

© Aharon	Kritzer

© Aharon Kritzer

© Michael Jorgensen

© Michael Jorgensen

© Nancy JonesFrancis

© Nancy JonesFrancis

© Elisabeth M. Johnston

© Elisabeth M. Johnston

© Michael Johnson

© Michael Johnson

© Linda Jacobs

© Linda Jacobs

© Sharlene Holliday

© Sharlene Holliday

© Gary Hodson

© Gary Hodson

© Roman	Hirsch

© Roman Hirsch

© Vivian Henoch

© Vivian Henoch

© Joan Haseltine

© Joan Haseltine

© Dave Hanson

© Dave Hanson

© Avron Gordon

© Avron Gordon

© Kathleen Gerber

© Kathleen Gerber

© Adam Gagnon

© Adam Gagnon

© Hal Gage

© Hal Gage

© Avery Edelman

© Avery Edelman

© Sandra L. Dyas

© Sandra L. Dyas

© Denise	Dethlefsen

© Denise Dethlefsen

© Karen Commings

© Karen Commings

© Patrick	Cobb

© Patrick Cobb

© Jessica Clark

© Jessica Clark

© Nancy Stalnaker Bundy

© Nancy Stalnaker Bundy

© William	Bullard

© William Bullard

© Jaime Bird

© Jaime Bird

© Robby Bernstein

© Robby Bernstein

© Geoffrey Agrons

© Geoffrey Agrons

© CB Adams

© CB Adams

© Jose Barriga

© Jose Barriga

© Gerald	Alderman

© Gerald Alderman

 International Juried Photography Exhibition

Words, Words, Words

Opening Night: 6-8PM February 21st, 2020
Exhibition Dates: Feb 21st - March 17th, 2020
Juror | Dallas Crow

The old saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” seems to suggest that a photograph transcends language, but words have been a key part of many important photographers’ work—from the billboards and signs in many Walker Evans’ photos to Lee Friedlander’s 2019 book, Signs, for example.   The interplay of language and image can create a vivid sense of tension, irony, or poignance. The size and shapes of a font are visual aspects that can carry as much weight as any other aspect in the frame.

Praxis Gallery presents photographic art that includes written language as a fundamental aspect of the composition, including text in the form of signs or fragments of signs, handwriting scrawled over the photo, graffiti and palimpsests, just to name a few iterations of the theme.

© Christina WickHeiser Henzig

© Christina WickHeiser Henzig

© Christina WickHeiser Henzig

© Christina WickHeiser Henzig

© George Varsimashvili

© George Varsimashvili

© George Varsimashvili

© George Varsimashvili

© Mary Tuggle

© Mary Tuggle

© Arend Thibodeau

© Arend Thibodeau

© Frantisek Toth

© Frantisek Toth

© Michael Snyder

© Michael Snyder

© Frantisek Toth

© Frantisek Toth

© Michael Snyder

© Michael Snyder

© Matthew Smith

© Matthew Smith

© Eric Rennie

© Eric Rennie

© Kaitlyn Jo Smith

© Kaitlyn Jo Smith

© Kaitlyn Jo Smith

© Kaitlyn Jo Smith

© Michaela Nagyidaiova

© Michaela Nagyidaiova

© Michael Mudd

© Michael Mudd

© Michael Mudd

© Michael Mudd

© Jacqueline Merveille

© Jacqueline Merveille

© Michael Mudd

© Michael Mudd

© Michael McCann

© Michael McCann

© Michael McCann

© Michael McCann

© Chris Lock

© Chris Lock

© John Lazzaro

© John Lazzaro

© Vanja Karas

© Vanja Karas

© Nancy JonesFrancis

© Nancy JonesFrancis

© Nancy JonesFrancis

© Nancy JonesFrancis

© Ryotaro Horiuchi

© Ryotaro Horiuchi

© Ryotaro Horiuchi

© Ryotaro Horiuchi

© William Hoolderfield

© William Hoolderfield

© Nicol Hockett

© Nicol Hockett

© William Hoolderfield

© William Hoolderfield

© Roman Hirsch

© Roman Hirsch

© Louise Hill

© Louise Hill

© Julie Herman

© Julie Herman

© Julie Herman

© Julie Herman

© Sarah Haig

© Sarah Haig

© Marasha Guggenheim

© Marasha Guggenheim

© Theodore Gordon

© Theodore Gordon

© Theodore Gordon

© Theodore Gordon

© Carol Glassman

© Carol Glassman

©  Gonzaga Gomez-Cortazar Romero

© Gonzaga Gomez-Cortazar Romero

© Lynn Emery

© Lynn Emery

© Avery Edelman

© Avery Edelman

© Avery Edelman

© Avery Edelman

© Mark Dierker

© Mark Dierker

© Wesley Baden

© Wesley Baden

© Marilyn Crocker

© Marilyn Crocker

© Gerald Alderman

© Gerald Alderman

© Geoffrey Agrons

© Geoffrey Agrons

© Sue Bailey

© Sue Bailey

 International Juried Photography Exhibition
Opening Night: January 24th, 2020
Exhibit Dates: Jan 24th -Feb 18th 2020


Juror | Lance Keimig

Through the visual representation of abandoned spaces, artifacts of history are at once fresh and new, ancient and decayed. The past continues to live in these forsaken, ruined, or empty spaces and we ask— Who were the people who lived and worked here? What were their lives like? What were their stories? What happened to them in these spaces?

Praxis Gallery presents photographic art that explores the visual and social significance of abandoned space - where derelict factories, churches, private houses or other empty places serve as the basis for creative investigation.

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